Thursday, November 11, 2010

I love the night time.

I love the Night Time.

I love driving around late at night.

I love the city lights.

I love turning the stereo up high and singing like its everyones business!

I love my best friend for making yummy dinners for me, especially after work.

I love late night deep conversations

I love almost hitting those crazy jogging pedestrians that think they are INVINCIBLE. But they are mistaken, they are just INVISIBLE.

I love writing down my thoughts, I tend to think the hardest at night.

I love late night facebook stalking! Yep, You better believe it. I know what you are doing, who you are engaged to, when you are single, and I even know how much weight you've gained since I've seen you! Thanks facebook.

I love to Procrastinate, I've trained myself that night time is homework time.

but most of all I love
kicking off my shoes
getting in my princess pea bed under my nice warm blankeys
and sleeping like this

that sounds like a good idea right now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Looking Back...

I was young and so were you
What was this thing they called LOVE anyways?
What made you immediately catch my attention over anyone else?
Those eyes, it was as if I could see right through to your soul
When you looked at me and kissed me that first time that winter day
I loved you then and there

This attraction grew so strong so fast
I got to know more about you
I knew you like NOBODY else did
I saw all the good, I saw the bad
I loved you even more
You wore your heart on your sleeve
I was head over heels

This love was so passionate so strong
nothing else mattered
I forgot to love myself
I forgot about the ones that loved me
Things were changing
I still loved you

The truth became lies
I would smile but my heart was slowly breaking
Your eyes said it all
I refused to believe the truth
I believed you
Because I still loved you

Years have past
Who are you now?
I will always remember that crazy ride you took me on
I will always remember how you made me feel
I thought I would always love you

Now I am changed forever
Time has healed me
I am strong
Now you are just a memory
I do not love you, anymore
You are just a memory

I will love again

Friday, November 5, 2010

APT #415 Love you guys "EVERY. DAY." ♥

These girls right here are some of the coolest girls I have ever met. I can honestly say that I love them all.

Whitney Hunt!!!! Gosh dang this girl is one hard worker! Yeah she pretty much lives at work. The few hours we have her home we just love her!! This girl gets hyper in the night, its pretty entertaining. Yep, there is even a movie on Facebook to prove it. This girl definitely knows how to have a good time. Oh and my awesome voicemail, She totally Helped! Love you California Girl!

Sara Kerby!!!! This girl pretty much saved me from moving in with some crazy gothic girls on move in day. We met at the office and have been good friends ever since. "Your name is Sara, hey My name is Sarah too." I love this girl she is so dang funny. I love our late night talks about our love interests. ;) Oh and can I just say that she is pretty much the best at french tips. Sara is such a caring girl and has saved me when I locked myself out a couple times. You are the best Kerby!

Madison Perry!!!! Last but definitely not least Madison oh I just love you!!! This girl was pretty shy at first and it was harder to get to know her, but after a few deep conversations, and heart to hearts, I got to know the real Madison. Let me tell you she is one of the sweetest, nicest, funniest people I have ever met. She says the funniest things sometimes. To some people she is known as the "Segway girl." But I am lucky to know her so much more than just that. She is the best cook too can I just say. Yummmmmy! love yah Maddy :)

Tiffany Garcia!!!! Heck lets just add Tiff in here too! haha Tiff is not my roomie, even though she should be!! :( (will be next year though) Tiffany has been my best friend literally for life. Since we were just little girls I always was exited for when Tiffany would come over. We would play everything from house with my cool kitchen set, to indians in my back yard. Our families moved to west jordan when we were about 12 years old. We went to middle school and High school together. We have pretty much done everything together. Now She goes to BYU and I go to UVU. She pretty much lives at my apartment. We have lots of sleepovers and she likes to hog my big princess pea bed sometimes. She makes waffles for me in the mornings sometimes. We love to drive together everywhere. Its like adventure time! Tiffany has been one of the best examples to me my whole life, When I wanna be stupid, she is smart. She seriously is the best friend ever! Next year Me and Kiley (My other cousin/best friend) are gonna live together and its gonna be the best! Tiff Im so thankful for you, you have no idea! Families are forever :) LOVE YOU!!


Name is Sarah LaFaye Garcia
I am in love with no one
I am in hate with no one
I want to love someone
I am content but missing someone
I feel happy for all of those ones
I am happy for those two
I can see that they are happy too
I am Sarah LaFaye Garcia
I am in love with no one

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ooh So Sankful :)

This is my first post!! I've always wanted to start blogging but never got around to it until now. I think its interesting to see how other people think and what's going on in their minds so If you want to stalk me and Facebook just wasn't good enough than this is the place to go. YOU STINKY CREEPY STALKER!!!!! jk!! :) But Im going be completely real and the very random person that I am on here. I could be thinking about one thing one second, and something SO COMPLETELY different the next. (Its the worst at night. My high speed thinking wont let me sleep sometimes.)
I hope that this blog could show some people a little bit more about me. SO STOP Hateing. Drop your previous judgments. And ROLL on the ground laughing at my randomness. :) (totally made that up. Get it? stop drop and rolllll ? :))
I think that we are all pretty similar in one way or another. I think that we all want to SUCCEED. We all DREAM. But most importantly we all want to be LOVED❤ so I think we should give love in return. LIFE is so dang BEAUTIFUL. Seriously sometimes when I am feeling down I have to look up and to all thats around me. I am so thankful for all that I am blessed with. We should all SMILE and BE HAPPY after all there is SO much to be happy about.